Today we proved that all six noded creatures are graceful! To see what this means you can try out the activities here or watch this numberphile video.
Today we proved that all six noded creatures are graceful! To see what this means you can try out the activities here or watch this numberphile video.
Here are a few of our favourite balance scale puzzles.
This week we ran a treasure hunt round the school and a pi recital competition and in maths club we used Geogebra to estimate pi .
We did some computer programming with Python today in maths club – using the brilliant Code Club website.
Imagine four towns in a square system with side length 1 mile.
You would like to connect all four towns by motorways, using the least amount of road (not necessarily the most efficient for any one particular town).
Here is one option – it would take 4 miles of road. Can you do better?
Once you have had plenty of time to think and try and find and evaluate the best route, watch this video for the solution.