Christmas trees solution

There must be 4 decorated trees and 5 not decorated.

The first assumption that can be made is that either Penny, Olivia or Noah are lying, because if Penny is lying, everyone else is truthful, and if Matt is lying, Penny states that Noah or Olivia are also lying, so either one of those three are lying, which means there are too many liars.

Therefore, we have two truths: there is one more decorated tree than undecorated, and the number of trees is prime, what Matt says. Starting with all primes smaller than ten, there could be 2 undecorated and 3 decorated trees, 4 undecorated and 5 decorated trees, or 6 undecorated and 7 decorated trees.

If Olivia is telling the truth, the total is 9 (4+5) , which also means that Noah is telling the truth ( 8 < 9 < 12), and Penny is lying. In the other cases, both Noah and Olivia must be lying at once(2+3 < 8 and 6+7 > 12, none of these possibilites contain 4).

The only possible solution is when Penny is lying, and we’ve seen that in this scenario, there are 5 decorated trees and 4 undecorated trees.

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