91 card game
This card game can be played with two or more players. The goal of the game is to collect the most number of points possible. You do this by biding on the diamonds, using your cards.
The game starts with each player having one complete suit, for instance, one player could have the spades. You can use more than one pack if there are more than three players.
The diamonds are mixed up and placed in the middle. These diamonds are turned over one by one and each player throws a card depending on the value of the diamond card. The values for each card are as follows:
King – 13 Queen – 12 Jack – 11 and the rest of the cards follow as such, Ace being worth 1 point.
The player who’s card has the highest value collects the diamond card. In the picture above, the person who played the King of Clubs would win the Jack of Diamonds.
If there is a tie and two or more people play cards of the same value, then another diamond is added to the middle and all the players bid again for these cards. If the final card played by each player is a tie then no one wins the diamonds in the middle.
The player who wins is the player who collects the most points out of the 91 available after all cards have been played.
Can you find a winning strategy to be able to collect the most points every time?